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Heros of the plant world, we provide advice on mason bees and other native pollinators in the Pacific NW and how to improve habitat in a simple, natural, way.

Iowa Beekeeping

A bit about raising honey bees in the Midwest.

New Works

New landscape paintings from the Pacific NW, the Midwest, the UK, and Europe.


Website design, a few favorites.

Sustainable Living

Info & links on sustainable living and all that entails. See a 4 season solar passive greenhouse in zone 4 (SE Iowa) .

Other Stuff

Humor  |  Genealogy

Website Clients:

I'm 90% retired from website work but still care for the following clients.

Bozeman Acupuncture  | Natural Eye Care | Carrbora Acupuncturist | Santa Clara/Santa Rosa Acupuncture | Vastu Home Consulting | Joy Brown Ceramic/Bronze Studio |

Entire Contents © 2000-2024, Jennifer Miller All rights reserved